For any additional information about recreation for the Town of Burin, call the Town Office at (709) 891-1760.
Below is a list of some of the recreational groups that have been formed in Burin:
Burin Minor Soccer Association.
Burin Minor Softball
Soccer in Burin is also a very popular sport as it is all over the Burin Peninsula. There is fierce competition among the several towns during Challenge Cup team history. The Burin Soccer Field in Salt Pond is regulation size. It has dressing rooms for visitor and home teams complete with showers and washrooms.There are sets of bleachers for the many fans that attend the games. There is a canteen service provided by the Burin Minor Soccer association. This field is also used by the intermediate league. Each year the Burin Soccer Field hosts various minor soccer and other tournaments. Children (under 9's) can come and play for fun. The field has miniature size nets for all minor tournaments so that two games can be played simultaneously.
Pearce High School also has a regulation size field that is utilized by school teams and in the summer by the Minor Soccer Association
Softball is a very popular sport in Burin. In the past men’s, ladies, and co-ed leagues as well as a minor softball program flourished under the town. We have had a rich history of our teams participating in both local and out-of-town tournaments.
Burin has one softball field: located in Central Park ,The Craig Lundrigan Memorial Field in Salmonier is regulation size and last year hosted many slow pitch softball tournaments. The field is home to the Burin Minor Softball Program. It is also used by the local co-ed league and is accessible to others for general softball use. The field is equipped with a softball clubhouse with washroom facilities, male and female as well as one that is wheelchair accessible. There is an indoor eating area complete with cooking facilities. There are dugouts for the players and a grandstand for spectators.

Burin has five playgrounds for the local children to use. They are located in Ship Cove, Bull's Cove, Penny's Pond, Winterland Rd. and Salmonier. These playgrounds are maintained by the Town of Burin.
There are full size gymnasiums in College of the North Atlantic, Salt Pond; Pearce Regional High School, Salt Pond; and Donald C. Jamieson Academy, Salt Pond. Some of these schools also have playgrounds, soccer fields and outdoor basketball nets.
Black Duck Cove has a full size fenced basketball court with an asphalt surface.
Burin has a number of buildings that can be used for large meetings or gatherings.
They include:
Hiram Masonic Lodge
Burin Oldest Colony Trust Building
Burin College of the North Atlantic Gymnasium
Burin Town Council Building
Royal Canadian Legion
50 plus club